

Honestly, I swore I'd never write about how I had nothing to write about. But here I am, entirely and utterly uninspired. Not really for lack of things to write about--I could talk about how really great homeschooling is going and how this year is shaping up to be the best one yet, I could talk about places I have been recently and how a trip on my own could have ended badly (it did) but how it didn't matter because of the love of two wonderful friends--hi Jackie and Annie! I could talk about my new camera, which I haven't used yet because I can't afford any lenses for it right now and probably won't for quite some time, or I could speculate about current events, or how and why the loss of the leader of an organization I am not even a member of has affected me so deeply. I could ruminate about planning for the holidays, the various organizational or schedu-al (which is a new word I've made up) systems I've been embarking on, the resurgence of my spiritual "groove", how Baby Girl J is doing, or about our disgusting 6-legged home invaders...

But I'm just so dang uninspired.

1 comment:

  1. when you're inspired we'll be here! :)

    What camera did you get? I heard about B&H photos or something like that ( I think that's the one - it's in NY anyway ) and how you can trade in lenses, or cameras or camera equipment. You call them, tell them what you have, they give you a price quote, you send it to them, then they call you within 24 hours and tell you what they will actually pay you - could be a bit more or less. you can then apply that money to a purchase through them or get a check sent to you. I don't know if that is an option for you but I hadn't heard of it before today and thought it was cool! :)
