The attitude I may or may not have consistently shown to my husband regarding his geekery in all things...well, geek-ish (think comic books, RPGs, action figures, fascination with archaic languages not to mention archaic British science fiction television shows)...may or may not have thus far bordered on pure scorn.
That has now changed, in light of my awful realization this morning. Here's how it went down:
Me, driving: laughs
Him: What?
M: Oh, I was thinking about how I am so looking forward to seeing two Juliets this winter!
H: Two? Who's the second?
M: Your unborn daughter, duh!
H: Uh, then who's the first?
M: You know? The one that comes 39 days before our Juliet? What I've been waiting for since May 22, 2009????
H: Uggggggggggggggg. Groan. You've GOT to be kidding me.
M: That's why I was laughing in the first place; I knew what your reaction would be!
H: Anyway, isn't she dead? *see footnote*
M: Well, you see, that's where the time paradox comes in because if the bomb was never detonated, then none of that would have happened, ergo, she's alive! In one scenario anyway. They're at least going to show some of what would have happened had the plane never crashed because all these original characters are coming back and I've even seen the set photos of Claire being pregnant and Boone being there, and... Herein continues a long convoluted diatribe, the likes of which I will spare you--you're welcome--but suffice it to say I was pretty much the only one talking the whole six-mile drive.
And that's when my awful realization came upon me.
I am just as big a geek as he is.
Okay, maybe more.
*I realize some of my faithful readers have not yet finished Season 5. I left these spoilers in white, for those who wish not to find out what happens in the very last scene of that season. For those who would like to read it, simply highlight the text.
For those who have no idea which Season 5 I speak of, much less who is this Juliet #1 who is showing up approximately 39 days before our own...go ahead and highlight the text. You'll still be as confused as ever.*
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