
Straight From the School of Hard Knocks

Me: Girls, you need to go downstairs and start picking up your room.

Girls: Nooooooooooo! Whine whine whine. Complain complain complain. Ad infinitum, ad nauseum....blah blah blah...you get the picture...


Seven hundred and fifty hours later, they are finally downstairs doing what they are supposed to.


I hear singing.

It makes me happy that they have decided to put such a positive spin on a dreaded task.


As I wander further down the stairs, I realize just exactly what it is they are singing.


Girls: It's a hard knock life. For us. It's a hard knock life. For us. No one cares for you a smidge. When you're in an orphanage.


Laugh all you want, but this --coupled with the eight thousand and thirty times I have heard Yes, Miss Hannigan in response to my requests lately-- just tells me that a certain DVD staring a certain curly redhead needs to get back to the library ASAP.


  1. Yessss Miss Hannigan.

  2. that's classic!!! isn't it great to have a blog where you can share these stories in all their great detail someday when they're older? :)

  3. That's why I started the blog in the first place! I am very bad about journaling stuff, for them or myself, but for some reason when I feel like I am sharing funny stories with other people it motivates me.

    Does that make me a narcissist? ;-)
