
Strange Happenings

Strange things have been going on around here in the past week.

First, there was the sombrero incident:

Then, Max decided to take up Math and spent at least 25 minutes doing this the other day:

Then Sir Ralphie got into the salsa, which needs no further extrapolation:

And finally, what do this:

And this:

Have in common?

Absolutely nothing, unless it is in reference to my feel-good dream in which I had super powers. You might think that a dream about super powers would have someone flying or having super strength. Maybe x-ray vision, or my own personal favorite, mind-reading. But if you are my subconscious, you will dream about having the super power to…

levitate mouthwash.

And then Mary the mother of Jesus would be so impressed with your levitation abilities that she would come and tell you Good Job.

Strange happenings, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. ha- nice dream. wouldn't want to forget that one.

    i've never used listerine...

    not that you care.

