
Family Reunion

Last weekend we had a family reunion. This is not unusual for us, we go to at least four of them a year. As I alluded to earlier this week (whilst in a sleep-induced haze, admittedly), the big deal with this one was that the missing branch from down south came back to surprise the rest of the Family Tree. For the first time in nine years, my grandma had all her kids together. And there are eight of them. Amazing!

When you have eight middle-aged children spread out across the country, getting them together for a photo op is no small feat!

Until right now, I don't think I've ever seen a picture of my dad with his four brothers. I think their collective profiles speak volumes about genetics, don't you?

Well, this one's just for fun. They're all headed off to the zoo with cousin/aunt M.


  1. i love the picures! esp the profiles! too cool!


  2. Those pics are great. I recently had a partial reunion and my family mounted a concerted, passive-aggressive effort to avoid group photos. I was too weak from the "togetherness" to fight.

  3. Beautiful pictures!!! Well done.

  4. hi. lovely pictures. very impressed.

    studio sam photography.
