
10 Reasons Why: 1st Election Edition

I have finally found a candidate I can support,
as my two
real supportable candidates never
had a chance in the first place

Ten Reasons Why I'm for Schrute in '08:

  1. He has worked his way up to the position of Assistant Regional Manager (not, as commonly mistaken, Assistant to the Regional Manager) for the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company.
  2. He is the winner of the 2005 Salesman of the Year Award.
  3. He is a former volunteer sheriff and highly trained in the art of surveillance.
  4. He owns his own beet farm.
  5. He has the ability to maintain a hidden arsenal of weapons at his desk, including pepper spray, nunchucks, throwing stars, a stun gun, a boomerang, handcuffs, a nightstick, a pair of brass knuckles, and a samurai sword--all of which were confiscated, and a Spud Gun--which was never confiscated.
  6. He is a close personal friend of John McCain and was rumored to be top choice for his running mate.
  7. He is a self-professed expert on sun hibernation.
  8. He holds great interest in the representational arts of Japan.
  9. He is the founder of Schrutanese and Schrute Bucks.
  10. Bobblehead. Need I say more?

*In case you were curious, my two supportable candidates were Mike Huckabee and Dennis Kucinich. You may do a double-take at those names side by side. It's my split personality that allows me to be enamored with seemingly polar opposites.

But now that I think about it, they're actually not as diametrically opposed as one would think...


  1. I admire your devotion to the imaginary candidate. For myself, I will only be satisfied when Jon Stewart is finally elected president and while we are fantasizing, I would be the First Mistress.

  2. question: was mose every in the running for vp?

    schrute all the way. he's wise beyond his years, and never forgets to put the best beets on top. those are the money beets.


  3. Ew, no, not Mose. He's weird. Ha!

    Kevin Malone for VP, of course. Our great country could be serenaded often by the lulling sounds of Srantonicity. Or is that Scrantonicity 2?
