

The newest member of our family, a Mr. Bradley McDonald J(lastname):


The girls finally did get to go cross-country skiing with their dad for the first time this morning. You'd think it would be something they would be super-excited to tell me all about...but they came home with a box elder bug in a Kleenex and haven't stopped talking about "him" and have yet to mention the skiing.

Hannah went searching for my baby name book to find him a name. They originally wanted to name "her" Sara, but after a several minutes of talking about what kind of spider they will get when Sara dies, I suggested they find alternate nomenclature. After all, we have a family member named Sara, and how would it sound to people when they say, "When Sara dies we can throw her out of the window or flush her down the toilet. Then we can just go find a cute spider instead" ?

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of names....did you see that Jennifer Lopez named her twins Emme and Max?
